What is the DID experience?

One question I get asked a lot by neurotypicals is what does DID feel like? So I’ve heard the car or bus analogies before, they’re pretty good but even then

The Director

The you that observes you is the director -Tim I’m not sure what people do when they’re left alone with their own thoughts. I think most people can’t handle it,

Not Knowing What You Know

Sometimes I’ll know things before I know them. For example I know the logarithmic and exponential relationships between equations that can be graphed on a two dimensional axis (i.e a

Emergence of a Theory on The Collective

So the base theory is that there is this underlying level of consciousness that sits below the unconscious. This is some kinda core level shit, some kinda prime divine, I

The First Word

The First Word in original unaltered form: Opus Li Vol 1.     Pay no attention to one’s social status and bearings// One’s attention on worldly possessions can only mean its absence

Halls of Infinity

When I was a kid I had a dream that I was standing next to a line of both myselves and not myselves. I was in a bright white room

Hello world!

Hello World! I am creating this blog to document what I believe to be the truth of this reality. Over time I will post my findings here in hopes of