The First Word

The First Word in original unaltered form:

Opus Li
Vol 1.
    Pay no attention to one’s social status and bearings//
One’s attention on worldly possessions can only mean its absence elsewhere.
    Do not let gossip or treachery of one’s appearance decide how you think or act toward this person//
Ones ragged appearance or the gossip about this individual means only opinion not truth or false.
    Opinions do not matter//
The only opinion that matters is the one not spoken,
Let your thoughts stay quiet and your predictions hidden.
    Do not speak unless good will is intended or reason persists//
Unneeded voices cloud the air with unneeded thoughts creating a more difficult society to live in.
    Do not trust your personal thoughts or emotions//
If you are angry restrain yourself from making decision or entering conversations,
This can only lead to un welcomed opinions and clouded and unreasonable actions. 

Let this be word and word unbroken 
